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XC Google Calendar


Updated: Jun 13, 2024

To keep up-to date on team happenings, you might consider subscribing to our XC Google Calendar. (If you subscribed last year, you don't need to change anything because we're continuing to use the same calendar.) The calendar includes practice times, meets, and other team activities. Depending on which calendar program you use, the instructions are slightly different:

Google Calendar users:

To subscribe, either open Google Calendar, scroll down to "Other Calendars", click on the "+" sign, then "Subscribe to Calendar", then add this email address:


Use this link:

iCal users: To subscribe, copy and paste the below URL into iCal>File>New Calendar Subscription. Be sure the preferences are set to auto-update/refresh the calendar once per day. -OR- Download the file associated with the above link. (In the past, sometimes people couldn't get the downloaded file to auto-refresh, so if you're unsure, consider the above copy/paste method instead.) This calendar is also available via our website: To view in any web browser:

For other calendar apps, hopefully the above information will help you figure it out! *crosses fingers*




Torrey Pines High School

3710 Del Mar Heights Rd

San Diego CA 92130


Tel: 858.755.0125

© 2024 TPHSXC

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