tphsxcOct 12, 2022Summer PlansTime to start thinking about PreSeason! All athletes must have athletic clearance to participate in Cross Country. Detailed instructions...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022Athletic Clearance 2020-2021The 2020-2021 Athletic Clearance is now open on the TP Athletics Website - With our...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022mandatory Summer practiceMandatory practice starts Mon, 8.13.18. You must have athletic clearance to participate. Please visit the TPHS Athletics website for...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022please join remindCoach Kaitlin will be using the Remind app to communicate quickly/easily with the whole team. Please join the “TP Distance” group by...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022Athletic Packets Due June 15Please complete the required athletic packet by Friday, June 15. Note that this deadline is much earlier than in the past. Athletic...