After your final meet this season, please return your CLEAN uniform to one of our coaches ASAP. Be sure your uniform includes... - Singlet
- Shorts/spandex - XC jacket (not all athletes have this) - AIS rope (unless you're doing Track & Field, in which case you can keep the rope for now) Put all items in a large ziplock bag WITH YOUR NAME in/on it. Bring it either to Coach Cornforth's classroom (Room 55) or to practice after school.
Uniforms that aren't returned will be charged the following replacement fees: - AIS rope: $15.00 - Girls JV: $54.50
- Boys JV: $74.25
- Girls Varsity: $69.50
- Boys Varsity: $89.25 - XC Jacket: $50.00 * Note: Senior girls may keep their spandex shorts.
