What an incredible season. There are so many things to be thankful for...
Supportive families
Setting new PRs
Overcoming challenges
Dedicated coaches
Team bonding & new friendships
Committed athletes
Amazing experiences
Accomplishing goals
Having fun
And oh yeah... we made it to State!
Our families played a pivotal role. You helped monitor race courses, brought watermelons to summer practice, contributed items to a picnic and pasta dinner, provided carpools for other athletes, cheered your hearts out, posted pictures to Shutterfly, hosted events, and more! The season was extra special because of your efforts. Also a huge shout out to our families for fully funding the season during our giving campaign in August. It was wonderful to meet our needs without pestering you with additional fundraisers. It allowed us to focus on what was most important - the athletes! A thousand thank-you's really aren't enough. We hope you know how much we appreciate you ❤️ See you next season! P.S. We'll still drop you a line every now and then to keep you in the loop 😉
