Many athletes might be wondering what to do after your 14-day rest period. Here is Coach Feiring's recommendation:
Start ramping up your mileage, whether on your own or with some buddies. Start with a 20 minute run, then increase it 1-2 minutes each day. Once you hit 45 minutes, maintain that length of time but add in a 10 minute warm up and drills. Long runs once a week should vary between 60-80 minutes depending on the athlete. Also, remember to take Sundays off for a day of rest.
Sign up for Track Preseason Workouts. The cost is $40, plus a $25 Youth USATF membership. Some of you already have the USATF membership from XC preseason during the summer. If so, you can simply check your membership expiration date by logging into your account. The distance team won't officially begin track preseason workouts until January 11th when Coach Feiring is back from break. That said, since the preseason fee includes dates in December, you're welcome to attend, run according to the ramping up guidelines in #1, and if interested, use the weight room.
If you have questions about ramping up for Track & Field, email Coach Feiring.
