Athletes have the opportunity to participate in preseason training with Coach Ott and Coach Cornforth through the Del Mar Track Club. This club is optional, but highly recommended. Don't worry if you have a vacation planned during a portion of this time. We will work around it!
When: July 10th - August 5th
Cost: $125 per athlete (plus $30 USATF Youth membership)
How to sign up: Click here to register and pay.
Mondays & Fridays:
7:30 - 10:30am, Canyonside Park(parking lot by playground)
7:30 - 10:30am, Powerhouse Park
7:30 - 10:30am, Breakfast Runs (locations TBD - more info below)
What to bring: Water, watch, snack, sunscreen, & towel (for injury prevention routine).
