Great job Falcons! Zoe Canipe, Hannah Jian, and Paige Endres all ran under 2:35 in the 800m. While Anni Salz ran an extremely fast time of 5:15.81 in the 1600m, her teammates, Kiana Bourgeois, Eva Mountzouris, and Nevaeh Clements, placed 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
All Boys Varsity and JV athletes that raced the 800m set PR's. Dalton Beeler ran an amazing time of 2:04.88. Also, all Torrey Pines athletes that raced the 1600m PR'd. Juan Gonzalez almost broke 5 in the mile; he ran a 5:04.15. Sebastian Barclay, AJ Castellanos, Cormac Obrien, and Alak Fryt all ran the 400m in under 54 seconds! Those same four runners also raced the 4x400, running on average, 52 seconds per leg.
Torrey Pines athletes all had great races this week!
Saturday we will be hosting the 25th Annual Falcon Relays!
For detailed results.
For more photos, please see shutterfly.