Wednesday, September 27
(also known as La Costa Meadows Park)
Who will complete? The entire team, all levels. Here is the entry list. The Athletic Department will notify the attendance office of which athletes will miss 7th period that day, so parents do not need to call. Students should check with their 7th period teacher to see what they need to make up for missing class that day. Lunch, Early Release @ 1:30 p.m., and Team Photo Lunch starts at 1:05 p.m., so athletes need to eat their lunch promptly. The school administration gave our athletes permission to eat in the stadium (which normally isn't allowed) to help keep us on time. Coaches will be there to supervise. Regardless of where they eat, athletes should change into their uniforms at 1:30 p.m. and head to the visitors side of the stadium for our team photo. Athletes should not wear hats for the pictures. NOTE: If your athlete typically goes off campus for lunch, we strongly recommend they do not on this day. Bus Departure 2:15 p.m. School transportation will be provided both to and from the meet. Buses will leave school promptly at 2:15 p.m. Since bus transportation is provided, students cannot drive themselves to the meet. Race Schedule Boys JV/Frosh - 4:00 p.m. Girls Varsity - 4:25 p.m. Boys Varsity - 4:50 p.m. Girls JV - 5:15 p.m. Course Map Click here for the course map. Volunteers Needed Since this is a league meet, we are responsible for getting three parent volunteers to keep runners safe and on course. The good news is that you'll have a close up view of the runners as they loop by you several times. All you have to do is point them in the right direction. Easy as pie. You can see our specific assignments on the course map. If you can help out, email Amy Chelesnik. Thank you! Parking Parking might be tight. There are approximately 150 parking spots available and five schools competing. If the main lot is full when you arrive, another option is the neighborhood east of the park. DO NOT park at the preschool across the street from the venue. (Last year Coastline Church said we could park in their lot, but as I recall the gate was locked. It is unclear if this is an option this year.) Timing The meet organizers plan to have chip timing via Athletic Live. We don't have the link to the live results yet, but our best guess is that you will be able to find them either here or here. You might have to use the search bar to look for the meet. Transportation Release Form We expect all athletes to stay for the entire meet and cheer on their teammates even after they're done competing. After the meet, if an athlete is planning to ride home with a parent instead of on the bus, they must to fill out the Transportation Release Form and turn it into Coach Ott or Cornforth. Forms also need to be emailed to the Athletic Department.
