When: Friday, October 27
Who will compete: All four North County leagues will be competing at this meet (Coastal, Palomar, Avocado, Valley). This represents approximately 23 schools. JV athletes will compete with the exception of any who finished in our top 10 at Mt. SAC. Here is the entry list. The top 10 athletes from Mt. SAC will remain at school and NOT attend Cluster #3.
Race Schedule
4:00 p.m. JV Boys & Senior Boys (who weren't in our top 10 at Mt. SAC)
4:30 p.m. JV Girls & Senior Girls (who weren't in our top 10 at Mt. SAC)
Parent Volunteers - We really need help!
We need 2 parents who are willing to help at the meet. Unfortunately, if we don't have parent volunteers, our coaches will have to fill those spots instead. We're crossing our fingers that a few of you are able to step up. Volunteers will be at Station 9 not too far from the start/finish lines and will help keep spectators off the course. If you can assist, email Amy Chelesnik.
Course Map: This is a 3.05 mile course. See map here.
What to Bring: Uniform and team warm-up shirt, water bottle, sunscreen, running shoes, racing flats, and a snack. Boys may wear compression shorts under their uniform but they must be all black; if there is a logo, it must be white and smaller than a credit card.
Early Release 1:30 pm: Athletes will be released during lunch at 1:30 p.m., so they need to quickly eat their lunches. Athletes are not required to check in with 7th period teachers for attendance, but should make sure they touch base at some point to see what they need to make up for missing class that day.
At 1:30 p.m., athletes should change into their uniforms and head to the bus area. Buses will leave school promptly at 1:45 p.m. School transportation will be provided both to and from the meet. Since bus transportation is provided, students cannot drive themselves to the meet.
Live Results: Available here.
Parking: There are quite a few parking lots on site... the question is how far you'll have to walk! We recommend you take a look at a satellite image so you have an idea of where all the lots are located.
Transportation Release Form: Athletes must ride the bus back to school unless they turn in a Transportation Release Form. This form allows an athlete to ride home with a parent if the form is both emailed to the Athletic Department and handed to one of our coaches.
