tphsxcOct 12, 2022RoadRunner Fundraiser/ 7.10.21-7.14.21Road Runner Sports is hosting a fundraiser for our team. This event is a great opportunity to prep for the preseason training. And...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022Summer PlansTime to start thinking about PreSeason! All athletes must have athletic clearance to participate in Cross Country. Detailed instructions...
tphsxcOct 12, 2022TPHS vs LCC/2.15.21Congrats to all of our athletes on their fine performances at the opening meet! For details, please read the article in the Del Mar Times.
tphsxcOct 12, 2022RoadRunner Fundraiser/ 11.29.20-12.06.20Road Runner Sports is hosting the fundraiser for our team. This event is a great opportunity to stock up on shoes and gear for our...