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Summer Plans


Time to start thinking about PreSeason!

All athletes must have athletic clearance to participate in Cross Country. Detailed instructions are available on the TPHS Athletic website.

Summer Practice Schedule: Starts 6.14.21

3:30-5:00pm, TPHS Weight Room (Optional)

3:30-5:00pm, TPHS Weight Room (Optional)

Sat, 8:00-9:30am, Fletcher Cove, Solana Beach (Or Breakfast Run)

Captains will be sending out a detailed monthly calendar to all athletes, so please make sure that the captains have the athlete's cell number.

Returning athletes will be required to attend practice Mon through Sat.

Incoming freshmen will start by attending morning practices on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat.

Please note- The first practice will begin on 6.14.21. This is only for one week to get everyone comfortable with the program. The following two weeks will be a non-contact period. Athletes will train on their own or within their own training groups.

Practice will then resume on Tuesday, 7.06.21 with the schedule described above.

For Torrey Pines State Beach North, we meet near the bathrooms in the North parking lot off McGonigle Road. Please note that the rangers usually will not allow drop-offs in the parking lot.

For Fletcher Cove, Solana Beach, we meet near the basketball court.

What to Bring:

Water Snack Sunscreen

Towel for core workout


Parents: You are welcome to join any of the PreSeason runs!

Mandatory No Contact Period: 6.20.21- 7.04.21.

Athletes and coaches must have no contact during this time.

Official PreSeason: Starts 7.06.21.

Looking ahead:

Camp is still up in the air. I am waiting to hear back about Covid protection(s).

Breakfast Runs: Athletes meet at a family's home. The host will lead the team on a local run, and then everyone will enjoy breakfast together.

Pre-meet Pasta Dinner Night : At a family's home, coaches and parents will be invited to build team and family bonding!

Go Falcons!

Gerard Reski XC Head Coach.




Torrey Pines High School

3710 Del Mar Heights Rd

San Diego CA 92130


Tel: 858.755.0125

© 2024 TPHSXC

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